Jake, the Pincushion Dog . . . 14 October

Jake, the Pincushion Dog . . .

Update on Jake. We got the results of the ultra sound and he has to have surgery again. His intestines are bunched up in his abdomen, pushe...
The Story of Jake. 14 October

The Story of Jake.

I know the last 2 posts have been about Jake, but I felt like writing a post that gave his story as a whole. . . . Jake, is our 8-year old ...
Jake: Post Surgery News. 14 October

Jake: Post Surgery News.

Jake went into surgery this morning around 9am. Dr. Franks called me around 11am. She says whatever is going with him is rare and she can...
Jake is home. 14 October

Jake is home.

Just got Jake home and he acts like he's happy to be here. I think it helped that he was in the hospital a few extra days. He looks aw...
Dinner with Fido. 14 October

Dinner with Fido.

I thought of this last night as I ate dinner on my couch. That's the norm at my house. Hubby and I place our plates on our cocktail ot...
Jake the Wonder Dog! 14 October

Jake the Wonder Dog!

I've had some folks ask for an update on Jake and thought it would be easier to put some gosip here instead of writing numerous emails o...
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