And a partridge in a pear tree . . .

- 13 October
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I thought I'd be delightful this holiday and celebrate dogs and their owners for the 12 days of Christmas.  Each day I'll post something that whomever gets the first correct answer gets a special gift . . . 

The gifts will be random.  Maybe a gift for you or your dog--great dog toy, a bag of treats, a box of candy canes, a coupon for training, or even a free group class . . . whichever it is will be mailed to you via email (when applicable) or snail mail.  All will be fun and you never know if you'll be the lucky one to get the great gift of discounted or free dog training!

So, check our blog everyday until the 12th of December, which will be our last day.  I'm starting this today, December 1st instead of the normal historic Christmas Day . . . . we want this to be a fun month!

Also don't forget to sign up for our newsletter if you aren't subscribed already!  Our December issue is going to be full of great goodies . . . and it will feature my famous "Favorite Things".  Sorry I'm not Oprah, so there won't be any giveaways for that just a great list!  You can subscribe here:
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