Challenge your dog trainer. . .

- 14 October
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I must apologize for not posting as much as I'd like to on here as I often just post so many things on my Facebook page. I know not everyone is into Facebook so I'll post here what I did there . . . . I put a challenge on the line: List something (put it as a comment to this post) you'd like to see Stacy the trainer teach a dog (her own dog or one in her care at her home) and then she will capture the process on video. Then a challenge will take place with prizes for grabs where clients can participate too!

So far someone asked me to teach a dog to go through a hula hoop and also have a dog open the 'fridge and bring me a drink of some kind (that's still in the works). So here are the videos of me teaching first, my Lab Jake, and then my Aussie/BC Noah.

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