Mayday! Mayday!

- 13 October
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I was going to post this on my facebook fan page for Adventures in Canine Training (sure I still will) but decided to head to the blog first. I think this is worth a bit of a glance and not all folks will see it on facebook. Anyway . . . I look often at sites and other places that our non-profit organization can help. I am starting to plan for our big fundraiser and so I want an organization that I can donate part of the proceeds to. I found it. The Morris Animal Foundation: Canine Cancer Campaign.

I think just about everyone who has had a dog has had one that died of cancer. I read somewhere that it kills more dogs than humans right now. Alarming. So I also discovered in my Googling this great website: and they sell some great first aid kits they call "Mayday Pet First Aid Kit". For every kit sold $2 will go to the Canine Cancer Campaign. The kits are great, easy to tote and attractive, not to mention they could help you in a situation! Not only do they make and sell this great first aid kit they make some other marvelous products that you would never think of. They make an evacuation kit for a disaster situation and many other great things. Take a look at their site!
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