The Stork Arrived Early!

- 13 October
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The Stork Arrived Early!. I know some of you follow this blog and don't follow my Facebook page so I just realized you may not know that I had my twins on Friday, February 15th ... just 2 days after my last blog post!  They were 6 weeks early and had to spend 10 days in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit).  They are doing great, however, and have now been home for about 10 days.  

We are all doing well, no sleeping much, but doing well. I'm not exactly sure when I'll be back to work so I'll keep everyone updated on that when things fall into place for me around here and we figure out what we'll do.  Thank you again to all of you great doggie people who have been so supportive, generous and caring. It really means a lot to me!  ... Oh and we did a DNA test to confirm if they were identical or fraternal twins -- they are identical! 

Take care of your pups and let me know if there is anything at all that I can do for you!
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